
Being a passionate racing driver, our founder Wulf Gaertner himself was faced with the challenge of finding high-quality spare parts for his racing car in South America – which he eventually imported from Germany, thus laying the foundations for his export business. This was followed by the acquisition of MEYLE in 1995 and, a few years later, the establishment of additional branch offices and our own production facilities, where suspension and steering parts as well as rubber-metal parts are manufactured.

Our goal is to support the independent aftermarket with better parts and solutions. The philosophy of our founder, Wulf Gaertner, „The friendship of those we serve is the foundation of our success“ still describes how we work at MEYLE. We believe that continuous improvement is important, not only on a product but also on a company level. Among other things, we focus on environmental and social sustainability.

For us, manufacturing means more than just the production of parts: manufacturing begins with the first idea for a product or for an optimized MEYLE HD part.

A great deal of time and effort go into research, the fine-tuning of specifications, prototype and quality tests before an item can be manufactured. Due to the high degree of effort that our engineers put into these steps, we take pride in our parts, which are ‘ENGINEERED AND QUALITY APPROVED IN GERMANY’.

MEYLE parts are developed strictly in line with the guidelines and specifications of our engineers at the Hamburg location and overseen and tested in the production process. Production is carried out at our own plants in Turkey as well as at the facilities of selected partners in an international network.

MEYLE engineers have many years of experience and an in-depth understanding of innovative manufacturing processes, allowing us to manage our global production processes with precision and quality.

MEYLE offers over 24.000 parts and solutions in the product groups steering and suspension, engines, filters, brakes, drives, electronics and fluids.

Good to know

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 

MEYLE knows how important it is to respond to the climate and energy transition, resource scarcity and alternative drive systems. We plan to balance the interests of the environment, people, and efficiency and look to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). MEYLE parts and solutions keep vehicles on the road for longer and thus support efficient use of resources.

Technology and Innovation 

MEYLE has always focused on using market-specific data to drive the development of our solution-oriented products. Of course, current technological developments and trends are also taken into account.

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